• shashi.dinesh64@gmail.com
  • (+91) 9829085571, (+91) 9314985571, (+91) 9928814471,



Your time, financial future and family are important to us. That’s why we constructed an ongoing investment strategy that ensures your portfolio will help you achieve you and your family’s dreams for the future. We’ll manage your entire portfolio focusing on asset allocation, diversification and avoiding unnecessary risks.

Portfolio management services are meant for high net worth individuals or institutions who want a personalized management of their finances. A team of expert professionals conduct extensive research on markets to provide a customized solution to achieve unique investment objectives. This ensures best selection of investment opportunity within an asset class and active monitoring for optimized results. Investors are provided with an all time access to track their portfolios. Our PMS offerings range across two asset classes – Equity and Debt, with multiple options for each asset class.